
The process of fundraising for startups is a demanding process. The founder will have to spend a great deal of time searching for investors, writing documents, and then putting together a presentation. This can be a significant expense for the startup’s resources. It is important to keep in mind this page that you will only get one shot at convincing an investor to invest in your company. The investor data […]


The boardroom is a place of crucial decision-making activities which can have an impact on everyone from people who act on behalf of a business to shareholders who own its shares. While these rooms don’t need to be extravagant they can be basic meeting rooms that happen to be enough in size to seat everyone who needs to be at the table, they should to be soundproofed so that eavesdropping […]


The board of directors play an important role in the management of a corporation. The board is comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise who are not connected to the company or management team. This means that they work independently of the daily management activities of the company, providing a fresh perspective on strategic issues that may arise. The primary role of the corporate board is to determine the […]